Extraordinary Commissioner Gianluca Basile has signed two agreements with Salerno University. The first one concern the use of the University of Salerno’s student residences and dining hall during the Games. The signing was attended by Domenico Apicella, president of the Campania Region Agency for the Right to University Study (ADISURC), CUSI President Lorenzo Lentini, ADISURC General Director Ciro Romaniello, and Universiade commission manager Annapaola Voto.
Apicella said the accord allows for an “actual Olympic village. We will make 1,600 lodgings available and our dining hall, without taking anything away from the students and we will make different menus divided by type and nationality, as requested by FISU,” he said.
A student relocation programme will start on Monday for 304 students who will be housed in two four-star hotels in Avellino from June 1 through July 31, with a free transport service provided by the Regional Agency for the Universiade (ARU).
“We will try to contain disruption and that’s why we studied an alternative,” Basile said.

The second one concern the plan for the upgrade of the field at the UNISA Pasquale Vittoria stadium in Fisciano.University of Salerno rector Aurelio Tommasetti explained in detail the various renovations that will be made to the stadium, which will be used as a soccer training field during the Games. The project includes installation of a synthetic field, renovation of the track and field for the long jump and triple jump, renovation of the lighting system for the track and field, and renovation of the locker rooms with a new internal arrangement along the track. “We believed from the start in this sporting event, It will also be an opportunity to provide renovated sporting structures to the area” Tommasetti said. Universiade Commissioner Gianluca Basile said renovation projects would take place at 63 sporting venues in Campania. In the Academic Senate room of the University of Salerno, Basile signed an agreement with the Salerno University Sports Centre (CUS) making the sporting venues available. We have faced various difficulties, but now we are moving forward rapidly,”


Arus - Agenzia Regionale Universiade per lo Sport

La designazione di Napoli quale sede della Universiade 2019 rappresenta non solo un successo, ma anche una straordinaria opportunità per la città, la Campania e l’Italia intera per promuovere in tutto il mondo i propri valori e le proprie ricchezze e rilanciare un’immagine di terra della cultura e dello sport.


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