Dear President, dear Leonz,

We have learned the news of your appointment as acting President of the International Federation of University Sports and on behalf of the entire regional agency and my staff, I would like to express my congratulations for the prestigious role you are going to play. We all know your great professional and human skills shown in a profitable and effective way during the memorable Universiade in Naples.

We cannot forget the important support that you together with the great Fisu team gave for the success of the biggest sporting event that took place in Italy, making the image of our beloved Campania region unique and unforgettable.

I take this opportunity to inform you that the Regional Agency for the Universiade has become, thanks to a regional law, a permanent organ of Campania Region (ARUS) that will deal with sport in all its activities. This is the result obtained thanks to the success of the 2019 Universiade which have determined a certain confidence of our President De Luca in our work. A “public value” generated by the important professional experience that each of us has done in the large FISU family during the organization of the games.

Therefore, in renewing our most sincere wishes for a good job, we still confirm our availability to collaborate for the promotion and diffusion of sport culture, especially in this difficult historical moment in which sport can be an instrument for economic and social relaunch and growth.

A very warm greetings to all friends of Fisu.

The Commissioner

Flavio De Martino

and the Managers 

Annapaola Voto and Romina Fabiano




Arus - Agenzia Regionale Universiade per lo Sport

La designazione di Napoli quale sede della Universiade 2019 rappresenta non solo un successo, ma anche una straordinaria opportunità per la città, la Campania e l’Italia intera per promuovere in tutto il mondo i propri valori e le proprie ricchezze e rilanciare un’immagine di terra della cultura e dello sport.


Agenzia Regionale Universiadi per lo Sport - ARUS

Viale J.F. Kennedy, 54 at Mostra d’Oltremare – Teatro Mediterraneo, 80125 Napoli

Agenzia Regionale Universiadi per lo Sport - ARUS

Recapiti telefonici

+39 081 0171258 | +39 081 0171225 | +39 081 0171221