“We will build a bridge between our region, Bulgaria and Matera, besides all those different realities coming to Naples and Campania next July”. Gianluca Basile, the Extraordinary Commissioner for the Universiade Napoli 2019, took the floor during the initiative “Matera and Plovdiv: 2019 European Capitals of Culture”, promoted by the Istituto di Cultura Meridionale in order to enhance the Summer Universiade Napoli 2019. It will take place in Naples and Campania from 3rd to 14th July. As Basile said, it is “a very important international showcase where Naples and Campania will have the opportunity to display themselves to the whole world. We have already received enrollments from 130 countries: There will be 18 sports, 9,000 among athletes and partners, a thousand referees, journalists from all over the world. Together with Matera we want to implement and develop common cultural and tourism policies. As European Capital, Matera represents without a doubt a fly-wheel, that Regione Campania can use to change the perception it has of itself. We are working – continues Basile – not only to the definition of the plants, but also to the promotion of the event. The Region has activated thematic panels, while the Organizing Committee is collaborating with local authorities as well: Caserta promoted a supporting committee to the Universiade yesterday, with the aim of showing the city and its province. For the mayor of Matera, Raffaello De Ruggieri “sport is culture, not just competition. From this assumption – he says – an alliance between Naples and Matera is necessary, with the commitment to launch these values to the world. We are not a land of imports but exports, therefore we must express our historic dignity through sports and culture, projecting these two territories in the future to build a new path of the whole Southern Italy.” The event was attended by the ambassador of Bulgaria in Italy, Todov Stoyanov, the cardinal of Naples, Crescenzio Sepe, the deans of the universities Federico II, l’Orientale and Suor Orsola Benincasa. For the first time, some works by Salvador Dalì have been exhibited, thanks to the concession of Beniamino Levi


Arus - Agenzia Regionale Universiade per lo Sport

La designazione di Napoli quale sede della Universiade 2019 rappresenta non solo un successo, ma anche una straordinaria opportunità per la città, la Campania e l’Italia intera per promuovere in tutto il mondo i propri valori e le proprie ricchezze e rilanciare un’immagine di terra della cultura e dello sport.


Agenzia Regionale Universiadi per lo Sport - ARUS

Viale J.F. Kennedy, 54 at Mostra d’Oltremare – Teatro Mediterraneo, 80125 Napoli

Agenzia Regionale Universiadi per lo Sport - ARUS

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